John Wick 4 is an Action Masterpiece
by adminpublished on 2023/03/27
A review of John Wick 4 looking at what makes the action so amazing and why the movie overall is a masterpiece. Truly an outstanding movie and Keanu Reeves is still going strong.
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CHUCKY Episode 2 Breakdown & Easter Eggs (Review)
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Chucky Episode 2 breakdown and reaction the latest episode of the horror tv series. In Chucky Episode 2 titled Give me Something Good To Eat we find chucky doing his best to turn Jake to the dark side and its not hard to do with a character like Lexy around. Here in this full episode 2 recap breakdown I point out Easter eggs you might have missed and speculate on what will happen next for Chucky Episode 3. Chucky Episode 2 Spoiler Review
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